When a period of more than 7 days is queried the restrictions are:Ī) No losses incurred by Pokerstars players will be displayed b) Pokerstars and Full Tilt players that Opt-Out will not be displayed If a longer period is queried there are certain restrictions put in place as per an agreement with the poker site Pokerstars. The high stakes results for the past seven days can be searched freely when logged in, and will show the complete list of winners and losers within the selected period for all poker rooms, players and stakes tracked.
It now features a majority of the high stakes games and variants played at two of the world's biggest online poker rooms, Full Tilt and Pokerstars. Initially only Texas Hold'em results and Omaha results were part of the games monitored, but as the games progressed and games shifted, both more poker rooms and games have been added. HighstakesDB first started tracking the online high stakes poker games in January of 2007. About the high stakes results - Monitored sites Reminder: Kindly link back if you cite HighstakesDB's results data in your own content.